Hypnobirthing & Full Antenatal Birth Prep Course

This course is an absolute must have when preparing for the birth of your baby.
It will give you all the tools and techniques you need for labour & birth, leaving you feeling:

The course is run over 3 weeks as 3 hour sessions (or intensive course over 2 days)

The sessions take place in your own home at a time that suits you

Course content includes full antennal education and hypnobirthing tools

You will receive a course manual and 5 hypnobirthing MP3’s

Each course will be tailored to meet your exact needs

You’ll have ongoing contact with me after the course if you have any questions

Cost of Hypnobirthing package £475

Intensive 2 day course £575

(Additional expenses may apply for travel 10 miles outside of Ipswich)

How does hypnobirthing work?

The fear we attach to pregnancy, labour and birth can creep through us and fill up our thoughts, leaving us anxious and unable to break this negative cycle.

It is so important to understand how the brain works to create our beliefs, inform our opinions and send messages to the body to react to a situation or suggestion.

Now this is where hypnobirthing comes in…

The 3 week course that I teach will give you the tools to take control of your thoughts, retrain your brain to support you and send those fears packing!

When you understand that you are in charge of what you think and that you can re-programme the sub-conscious part of the brain, you realise that any fear or anxiety about birth is simply a learned reaction that your brain has stored.

The amazing hypnobirthing tools you learn will support you however your birth plays out. Even if you have to make difficult decisions about birth that you weren’t expecting, you will have the mindset and confidence to be in control of what is happening.

Women who report having good birth experiences are not just those who delivered their baby naturally in the birth pool with the scent of lavender in the air. A good birth, women say, is one where they felt in control, confident about asking questions, listened to, respected and calm and informed enough to make the best choices for them and their baby.

The course consists of 3 sessions, each 3 hours long. The sessions take place weekly in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you.

It really is the perfect combination of science and relaxation!

Why choose this course this course over other hypnobirthing classes?

  • Because it’s run by me! I will give you my time, experience, attention, support and passion for a calm and prepared birth and tailor each session to your needs
  • Every couple I have worked with have experienced an empowered birth, the right birth for them
  • This course will give you tools to use however your birth progresses
  • This course works whether you are planning birth in hospital or at home
  • This course acknowledges the importance of the birth partner and is designed for couples to attend together
  • It’s a modern course with fresh perspective and contributions from practicing midwives as well as up to date research

At The Birth Nest, Abigail understands how unique each mum to be is and is able to offer every bespoke services to each one of them. Abigail offers all of her services privately on a 1:1 basis – hypnobirthing courses, pregnancy massage and doula support packages take place in your home.

If you are ready to feel confident, knowledgeable, prepared and empowered, then The Birth Nest can support you with all of this and more and trust me you will never look back!